3M™ Gasket Prep and Parts Cleaner degreases surfaces prior to applying gasket adhesives or sealants. We recommend this cleaner for valve covers, oil pans and other gasket mating surfaces. Our product ensures a clean surface that enhances better adhesion. Fast drying formula leaves no residue on the surface. Clean Surfaces Ensure Secure Adhesion
Before applying gasket adhesives or sealant, make sure the surface is thoroughly clean by degreasing with 3M™ Gasket Prep and Parts Cleaner. A clean surface is essential to ensure that he bond between parts is not compromised by contaminants.
Easy to Use
Our cleaner comes in an easy to use aerosol can. Simply spray the surface and wipe clean to remove dirt, grime and grease. Oil and grease is no match for this cleaner.
Where to Use
Because oil and grease build up is common in an automobile, this cleaner will find many uses in an auto body shop. We recommend it for use on valve covers, oil pans and many other gasket mating surfaces. It's also useful for cleaning threaded fasteners prior to applying a threadlocking compounds. Use to clean and prepare the surface before using an RTV or anaerobic gasket maker.
3M Uses Science to Solve a Need
Oily and greasy substances are tough to remove for most cleaners. That's why 3M formulated a cleaner through the principles of science that overcomes the challenges presented by oil and grease. The result is a cleaner that effectively cleans surfaces where oil and grease build ups commonly occur.