Our 3M Mix & Dispense Equipment includes a family of portable electric mixers for proper mixing and dispensing of 3M Sealants. These products ensure correct and accurate mix and application of two-component material for various parts requiring sealing. A proper and consistent machine mix, when compared to mixing by hand, saves time and helps protect against operator fatigue.Our 3M™ Mix & Dispense Equipment includes a family of portable electric mixers for proper mixing and dispensing of 3M™ Sealants. A consistent machine mix, as opposed to the hand mix method, saves time and helps protect against operator fatigue. Correct and accurate mix and application of two-component material is critical for parts requiring sealing. 3M offers three models of mixers with varying levels of automation.
3M™ Mix & Dispense Equipment AC-6500 Mixer
Our AC-6500 model provides complete mixing of two-component material filled in a cartridge kit. The feature-rich AC-6500 Series mixer accommodates all standard size cartridge kits ranging from 2.5-20 ounces. With its accompanying tools, accessories and universal power supply, it’s immediately usable anywhere in the world. Equipped with an automatic fluid level sensing device and user friendly electronic control system, the AC-6500 Series mixer allows for a quick and simple setup process. Up to 10 programmable sequences can be stored for easy access on demand.
The automatic injection feature provides even distribution of the hardener into the resin during the mixing cycle, to ensure uniform mixed results. The high torque motor maintains speed to enable continuous mixing of high viscosity material. Safety features include two-hand start, emergency stop button and the required closing of the protective enclosure to enhance protection for operators.
3M™ Mix & Dispense Equipment Mixer 900
Mixer 900 is a two-part adhesive and sealant mixer specifically built for barrier and injection type cartridge kits. The 900 mixer utilizes a high-quality induction motor with smooth, quiet operation to rotate the mixing head inside the cartridge. While the mixing head rotates, a reversing air cylinder moves the dasher (mixing) rod up and down the length of the cartridge. A built-in timer, which can be set to the material manufacturer’s specific mixing instructions, halts the motor and air cylinder after a predetermined amount of time. The 900 mixer ensures a thorough and consistent mix of material with each use.
3M™ Mix & Dispense Equipment Mixer 885
Mixer 885, which has no pneumatic components, is an electric portable mixer designed to assist with mixing 2-part adhesives and sealants. The 885 incorporates an automatic shut-off timer which can be set for a material manufacturer's specific mixing instructions. Once the cartridge of material has been inserted, the 885 mixer rotates the mixing blades automatically while the operator moves the cartridge up and down. This ensures more thorough and consistent mixing from batch to batch and may also help reduce operator fatigue, in contrast to manual mixing.
Our Best for Your Best
3M is proud to partner with organizations across the spectrum of aerospace and related industries. Creating efficiencies, reducing process times and lowering aircraft weight is how we execute our never-ending mission to offer best-in-class adhesives, sealants, accessories and other products that effectively reduce costs on multiple fronts. Professionals across the industry know the numerous advantages of 3M Aerospace. Our brand is widely recognized for the highest standards of quality, performance and adding value to the final results. By engineering reliability, longevity and value into all of our products, we have a history of saving money by reducing waste, rework and time.